Friday, December 31, 2010

New years

It is now 7:40 which means 4 hours and 20 minutes until 2011.... yea, on wordpress, i kind of got that wrong.... yea... fail at life! >.<

No new years resolution for me! yea, lazy person here, don't want to make any resolutions... like exercising.... yea, that NEVER works out for me! bye bye, talking to blog tv people! :) who are basically stranger to me!

Don't hate me... LOVE ME! :)

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Birthday blues...

Ok, to start out, it isn't actually my birthday! and it's not really blue!!! But i hope one of my bestestestestest friends doesn't have a birthday that is sad!!! haha... i might be spending time with her and her family!!! I hate meeting family! I feel so awkward! so i hope my other bestestestestestest friend will be there too!!!! :)

ah, what to get her. I gotted a scarf for her christmas present.... but i have NO IDEA what to get her now.... bleh! Then the day after, it will be my sister's birthday!!! Imagine, if she was born a little later, she could have been a new year's baby!!! Haha isn't that funny! one year in my life i got a new sister on almost new years day... haha maybe i'm losing my mind here..... yea... gonna leave now!

Fon't hate me... LOVE me!! :)

Monday, December 27, 2010


well, obviously this was not written on christmas because i haven't been on for a while... plus, the date at the end... or beginning days it isn't, so it's not....
but moving on, i didn't name this post anything about christmas, because it was not christmas for me.... and here is why:
-First, there was no snow... it isn't christmas without it being a white christmas.... at least where i am. Every other year, i've had at least a partially white, if not blinding white christmas.... wait, this whiteness is getting confusing... let me rephrase. Every other christmas, that i remember, there has been snow on the ground. It may have been a little or it may have been so much that when i looked outside, i was kind of blinded.... but this year... NO SNOW! There hasn't been that much snow this winter, which is really sad! really really really sad!!!!
-Second, it didn't feel like christmas at all! It felt like another regular day in my life. I woke up, ate, opened presents, and made cookies... I spent the rest of my day doing random things.... including a haircut... which i will get into next........
-third... my mommy (i still call my mom mommy sometimes! it's perfectly normal! not babyish at all!) made me get a haircut.... sad! :( my hair is pretty long, and i like it that way every since THE INCIDENT (maybe i'll get into that in a different post... it's a possiblitly, but maybe not a big one) but i had a bunch of tangles in my hair, since it's long and gets tangled easily.... and she had to brush them out with a comb (with thinly spaced bristles i may add!) which was painful.... because my head is really sensetive when other people brush my hair, but it's ok when i do it... but she would brush some, then other parts would get tangled, so it was a neverending cycle! and I accidentally moved... and she cut of more than needed!so now one section of my hair is shorter than the rest.... she says she's going to fix it soon, but that ruined my christmas.... I haven't gotten a haircut in 2 YEARS! including trimmings (well 1 trimming that was forced but still, it's been a long time...)
_ I guess that's it for what made my christmas unenjoyable...... at least the important stuff.... so i hope everyone had a nice holiday season, at least a decent one....

Don't hate me... LOVE ME! :|

Monday, December 20, 2010


Women have gone a long way from being the stupid submissive things... and yes, i do mean things, that they were... they were possesions, trophy wives, someone who did the cleaning, cooking, and producing of the sons.... which was stupid if you ask me.

Why did women wait so long to rebel against the male gender? Males are stupid creatures that walk on the earth because they have nothing else to do... ( no offense to any males reading this... although you're probably already offended... so just stop now before it gets worse... because i really hate most guys) They have no purpose at all... women can survive without them.. and why are they dominate?? Females are dominate in other species! they decide which ones to mate with! they decide based on the guy! and they guy cannot force! it's stupid that with humans, males are dominate.

males are just stupid.... stupid stupid creatures that don't share their feelings and don't understand how hard it is being a girl, and believe me, it's much harder than being a stupid boy....

lesson learned? or should i say lessons
*guys are stupid
*guys have no use
*guys don't pay attention
*guys don't share what they're feeling and make things complicated
*guys just don't understand anything..... which brings me back to the stupidness

(with this, i'm talking about specific guys, not guys in general....)

Don't hate me.... Love me.... (sorry those guys who are smart and a total opposite of the lessons learned list)

Friday, December 17, 2010

fancy schmancy

So excited! I gotteded the gift today! the gift for that special someone who I love very very much!!! :) it's so amazing! and _______ and _____ and ________!!!!!! i don't want to give anything away in case he's reading any of this, but so excited!!! plus the _____ smells like ____ is is my ______..... well not really.... yea, i'm guessing none of this is making sense since it's just a bunch of blanks... but that's ok! just make up what goes in there and imagine! :) but it is awesome! and he can't know about it! :P

i have no idea why i named this fancy schmancy, but that's the first thing that came into my mind, besides so tired.... but that's what I named the wordpress one... because I am abnormally tired for a friday... i guess... plus it's barly even 9 yet, so there is no option for a nap! tomorrow... i don't know what i'm doing tomorrow, but I can't hang out with my boyfriend :( because my mommy has work! and my sisters already went to the mall today with my cousins... plus, i went out today and mi madres no le gusta when i go out a bunch of times in a week... so sad! :(

I want to make the masks!!! :) <--- not many people know what that means, but i'm not going to explain :P

Don't hate me.... LOVE ME! :)

tuxedo mask is my best friend! <---- i think i'll use that ending for my wordpress :)

Thursday, December 16, 2010


Hmm.... i think i might disclose the secret location of my secret shoping of secret things for a secret someone! maybe later... today was pretty boring... Took the last 2 finals!!! I have a 90.12 in spanish... it was SO close to a B! Plus chem, i gots a 100 on my test! woot! woot!! :) but the grade is still a B.... all i'm waiting for is one stupid class! if it's an A i'm on track for lettering next year! if it's less than that... i lost my chances :(

Oh well... i guess i'll always have later... i guess... not... 1/2 of sophomore year is almost over :( so sad!!!

Driving class... need to sign up.... i'm old... and everyone has a permit! not me though... I WANNA DRIVE! but i probably won't get the chance until the snow melts... i'm too scared to drive in the snow.....
ok... well bye bye everyone... really short today

don't hate me.... LOVE me!! :)

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

failing at life..... school sucks

You know what? I think this post will be the same as my other blog... because i don't feel like retyping a whole different thing.... because this.... this is quite depressing.... I'm a person, who wants good freaking grades! and when my teacher wants to give me a 89.37 as a pinal grade.... that saddens me..... SADDENS ME!!!@ SO MUCH! I HATE YOU! I HATE YOU SO MUCH!!! STUPID TEACHER!!! i might be going a little overboard right now.... but that was an important class..... that was a really really really important class... a class that i wanted to pass.... and i was 13 percents away from passing with an A.....

I fail at life... I fail at school... I'm just so so so so disappointed..... this sucks... so much... i don't really want to remember this stupid thing.... ERG!! THIS FREAKING CLASS IS GOING TO KEEP ME FROM LETTERING NEXT YEAR.... which was the only thing i wanted to do... i want to lay down and cry.... isn't that sad.... ugh! i can't do this anymore! I give up on this post! bye!

Don't hate me.... LOVE ME!! :( :( (sorry i made it the same... i said i wouldn't before... but that's before i got fed up with school
Boring... i am so bored right now.... I don't know what to write about either... I don't want to put in the same things as I did in my wordpress blog. If you read both, that would be a little boring wouldn't it? Havinvg things just be copied and pasted to each blog page?? reading the same thing over and over?? That would suck! Or, you would follow one and not the other... which would make me sad :( because then it's like i'm all alone on one and on another I have some people reading my blog... I talk in my blog as though i have people reading it.... which people probably aren't doing..... sad! :(

Have you noticed (there I go again... assuming that I have people reading when all i'm doing is talking to myself... :( seem to me that i'm a little creeper! or that i'm insane for talking to myself.... yea, i'm probably insane, but that's ok... I have NOTHING to do at all! you know what? i'm just going to go and talk about some of the things that i did already! I should do my story! I want to finsih chapter.... i want to say six... but i want to say that it's 16... even though I KNOW that i'm not that far along yet....

I'm a little hungry... scratch that.. i'm A LOTTA hungry... but i can't leave! I wish i can drive.... I don't even have my permit yet... I know, so sad... but i think there is a driver's awareness class (i think i'm supposed to take that one... i'm supposed to take the 4 hour one... whatever that is!) on january 5th... i hope my mom lets me take that one! because i'm 15 and a half on the 27th of december....

uh oh! I just gave away my age! number one thing to not do on the internet! oh well, i know not to talk to strangers.... well can't say that... because my boyfriend was a stranger when I started talking to him... and that one incident... with the other stranger..... yea.. looks like I haven't learned my lesson about stragners..... gotta stop talking to them!!

Oh well... ran out of things to write about.... I better stop befor this gets WAY too boring!! :)

Don't hate me.... LOVE ME! :) please?

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

school is very boring

School is very boring... very very boring... hi gabrielle! are you going to answer me? i guess not..... Hi sawyer! are YOU going to answer me?! i guess not... HI stephen! you're not going to answer me either are you? no? i guess not... Hi anybody!? no one is going to answer me? i guess not....

I want to eat my sammach!! (samwhich)..... stupid computer lab with nothing to do..... bleicky! <--- see what i did there?? bleh and icky?? smart! :)

Don't hate me... LOVE ME! :) please?

Monday, December 13, 2010

reactions.... still going on?

This is basically like the chicken or the egg theory. Actions and reactions are a never ending chain of events. We're still experiencing reactions from even the cavemen era. It's like the movie, the butterfly effect. If one tiny thing, like a butterfly, was killed in the past, the actions and reactions prior and after that will never be the same. The future could change significatly. There would be less butterflies because the mate of that butterfly wouldn't have mated. Then they wouldn't have their eggs. Which would lead to less caterpillars living and maturing into butterflies. Then the babies of those babies would have never been born.....

Also, if someone goes back and saves a person from dying, it could change a lot. If a girl was murdered when she was 14 and someone went back to save her, she would have a future. She would change more lives and cause more reactions. To me, reactions never ever end. All it takes is one action. The action that created the earth and humans....

Another example, the first human. However that was created, if that action never happened then we wouldn't be here. We are the reaction to that one action. We're still continuing this action... think about it. Everything in the future can possibly be traced to the cavemen era. But we would have to take into account that every single detail of a person's life would have to be documented. That way, everything will be traced. Every little touch, stare, accidental bump... all those can be traced. Scientists could study how people affect (if that is the right one... i think so, but idk) other people!

Gonna cut it short... My thinking is that everything is a reaction to that one action that happened at the beginning of EVERYTHING! not just the earth, but the universe!

Don't hate me... LOVE ME!

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Just saying

I now have a wordpress blog! Well... it's not actually new. It's older than this one... It's just that last year my teachers made me make a blog for school... at the end of the year they said they would give us out blogs and we can decide what to do with it... I haven't posted in it since last year, but that's only because I thought my teachers would monitor the blogs.. and they probably gave up by now :) which means i can use it! (well maybe that isn't the only reason... maybe i was just lazy, but i'll never tell the real reason! :P)

My book writing is going good, i'm writing my 6th chapter... but i never write it enough... i always write a little bit then leave it for weeks to months and then write some more... but i think it's going well.... maybe :)

Don't hate me... LOVE ME! :)

Thursday, December 9, 2010

No one ever know

No one can feel what another person is feeling, not completly. They can try to explain with words, but that's never enough. No one is magical. They may say they know how a person feels, but they DON'T. They don't and they never will because each perso is unique. They deal with things their own way. They go off on their own and just cry because that's the only thing they can do.

You know what sucks about that? No one knows. No one knows how they feel. No one knows everything, no one knows anything.

The only way to know is to feel, but that's impossible. There is no way of feeling, no way of knowing, no way of understanding. Everything is impossible, everything, but that doesn't mean you can't try <3

Thursday, December 2, 2010


I haven't been updating lately, but i don't have much to say. I've been spending my life on facebook and youtube... What a life right?? And i've been sleeping... since i stay up so late (12:39 currently while i'm typing this... i'll put a time at the end to show you how distracted i get). There is not much to do lately.

I've also been checking out random websites... I've revisited some that I left a long time ago. Some of those are,, formspring, stuff like that. I'm not really tired now, even though it's sort of late. I've been up later than this and woken up at the same time. I was seriously considering not going to intervention today because i was so tired. I always go to intervention... although that might stop once i get a car... (or maybe i'll wake up to surprise someone!)

I'm getting a little bored.... Finals is coming up! Not looking forward to that... but at least i get to come home early on thursday! Woot woot! :) I think i'll be done now... this really shouldn't have taken as long as it did... (i did a typing test that said i typed 40-50 words per minute... and since i don't have trouble coming up with things to say, this really should have only taken ___ i don't even know how long.. but i just started couting the words... I got to word 43 and decided to stop because that got really boring! I think i'll go now... bye :)

THe time is now 12:47! No, i did not forget.. by the way it's night time and i wake up at 5:45ish.... losing sleep here! I'll end this post, but i'll probably still be online for a little tiny bit more

Don't hate me.... LOVE ME!!! :)