Monday, June 11, 2012


Well I am watching a drama named Love Rain. As I am typing this, my eyes are closed. I got this through tbecause one of the people in the drama was becoming blind. I wanted to see if i would be able to keep typing things and updating this blog if i became blind. This is what i typed, with my eyes closed: Well lets see. I wonder how well I would be able to do this if I was blind. Would I still be able to write letters or blog about my everyday life. I want to keep a blofg if I ever end up blind but who would read it. I’ll just be encased in darkness all the time. Maybe someone can help me like….. Proofread this because it won’t be that good or maybe I’ll just let it stay because people can then see how attached we’ve become to the computer that even if I turned blind I would still be able to type like this as long as I find the home row keys. I find it so interesting that i was able to type that with my eyes closed. It shows just how much the world has changed. For most of our past, people didn't even have keyboard. They didn't even know how to type but now, with technology it has become like this.