Sunday, April 11, 2010


Don't you guys hate it when people want to change becuase of what other people said. They should never change because i like the person that they are currently. A is one of the nicest guys that I know and he is thinking about becoming someone else. I hate it when good people become jerks.... :( I believe becoming a jerk is the worst thing that can happen to people. It's horrible to think about becuase you compare the person you knew. If he does change permanenty then I will probably hate him for it. I know that i hate one of my ex-friends now because they became very mean people and i don't want to see that happen to another person. It's extreamly painful for the other friends to deal with. I never want to be friends with a jerk!! They just treat other people badly. They do things that the good them wouldn't do. Please don't change.

You should never let another person tell you what to do. You should never let one person change who you are. I know that people's words can get to you sometimes but everyone just has to ignore it. I will always ignore what other people say because i am true to myself and i would never change for the worst. I will always change for the better :)

Don't hate me.. LOVE me!!! :( :(

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