Ok i cam up with another question!
Question: What is innocence?
My friends say that i am pretty innocent, but what does that mean exactly? I think that innocence is someone who is not tainted. They would never have any bad intentions or hurt anyone. Basically they are just too nice(like me)! They don't like to swear(I hate swearing:P) and they know nothing about the real world. They have been sheltered their whole life. This would also mean that they are very quiet since they have never learned to speak up about stuff. They know what is right and what is wrong. There is a difference between what you think is right and what others do. The innocent one will always think of other people. They just like to give back to everyone.
The bad thing is that NO body is really completely innocent. They have all been tainted somehow. The world really needs more innocent people. They would actually think about stuff, unlike other people who just act off of instict. If all humans acted on instict then there would be a lot of fighting and the world would be savage. Humans and all other organisms were made to fight and compete for things like food, shelter, and the right to mate.
I believe that our insticts are what make us jealous of people. If humans acted out of instinct swe would be in caos 24/7. Who would want that? I know that i wouldn't. That is why i use my brain. i don't let my body do anything that would harm another... although i sometimes want to. There is no way to stop instict, but we can all help the world if we just think everything through and let our brain work for once!! People shouldn't let their body control them! Let your brain make the desicions!!!
don't hate me... LOVE ME!!!
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