Friday, December 31, 2010

New years

It is now 7:40 which means 4 hours and 20 minutes until 2011.... yea, on wordpress, i kind of got that wrong.... yea... fail at life! >.<

No new years resolution for me! yea, lazy person here, don't want to make any resolutions... like exercising.... yea, that NEVER works out for me! bye bye, talking to blog tv people! :) who are basically stranger to me!

Don't hate me... LOVE ME! :)

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Birthday blues...

Ok, to start out, it isn't actually my birthday! and it's not really blue!!! But i hope one of my bestestestestest friends doesn't have a birthday that is sad!!! haha... i might be spending time with her and her family!!! I hate meeting family! I feel so awkward! so i hope my other bestestestestestest friend will be there too!!!! :)

ah, what to get her. I gotted a scarf for her christmas present.... but i have NO IDEA what to get her now.... bleh! Then the day after, it will be my sister's birthday!!! Imagine, if she was born a little later, she could have been a new year's baby!!! Haha isn't that funny! one year in my life i got a new sister on almost new years day... haha maybe i'm losing my mind here..... yea... gonna leave now!

Fon't hate me... LOVE me!! :)

Monday, December 27, 2010


well, obviously this was not written on christmas because i haven't been on for a while... plus, the date at the end... or beginning days it isn't, so it's not....
but moving on, i didn't name this post anything about christmas, because it was not christmas for me.... and here is why:
-First, there was no snow... it isn't christmas without it being a white christmas.... at least where i am. Every other year, i've had at least a partially white, if not blinding white christmas.... wait, this whiteness is getting confusing... let me rephrase. Every other christmas, that i remember, there has been snow on the ground. It may have been a little or it may have been so much that when i looked outside, i was kind of blinded.... but this year... NO SNOW! There hasn't been that much snow this winter, which is really sad! really really really sad!!!!
-Second, it didn't feel like christmas at all! It felt like another regular day in my life. I woke up, ate, opened presents, and made cookies... I spent the rest of my day doing random things.... including a haircut... which i will get into next........
-third... my mommy (i still call my mom mommy sometimes! it's perfectly normal! not babyish at all!) made me get a haircut.... sad! :( my hair is pretty long, and i like it that way every since THE INCIDENT (maybe i'll get into that in a different post... it's a possiblitly, but maybe not a big one) but i had a bunch of tangles in my hair, since it's long and gets tangled easily.... and she had to brush them out with a comb (with thinly spaced bristles i may add!) which was painful.... because my head is really sensetive when other people brush my hair, but it's ok when i do it... but she would brush some, then other parts would get tangled, so it was a neverending cycle! and I accidentally moved... and she cut of more than needed!so now one section of my hair is shorter than the rest.... she says she's going to fix it soon, but that ruined my christmas.... I haven't gotten a haircut in 2 YEARS! including trimmings (well 1 trimming that was forced but still, it's been a long time...)
_ I guess that's it for what made my christmas unenjoyable...... at least the important stuff.... so i hope everyone had a nice holiday season, at least a decent one....

Don't hate me... LOVE ME! :|

Monday, December 20, 2010


Women have gone a long way from being the stupid submissive things... and yes, i do mean things, that they were... they were possesions, trophy wives, someone who did the cleaning, cooking, and producing of the sons.... which was stupid if you ask me.

Why did women wait so long to rebel against the male gender? Males are stupid creatures that walk on the earth because they have nothing else to do... ( no offense to any males reading this... although you're probably already offended... so just stop now before it gets worse... because i really hate most guys) They have no purpose at all... women can survive without them.. and why are they dominate?? Females are dominate in other species! they decide which ones to mate with! they decide based on the guy! and they guy cannot force! it's stupid that with humans, males are dominate.

males are just stupid.... stupid stupid creatures that don't share their feelings and don't understand how hard it is being a girl, and believe me, it's much harder than being a stupid boy....

lesson learned? or should i say lessons
*guys are stupid
*guys have no use
*guys don't pay attention
*guys don't share what they're feeling and make things complicated
*guys just don't understand anything..... which brings me back to the stupidness

(with this, i'm talking about specific guys, not guys in general....)

Don't hate me.... Love me.... (sorry those guys who are smart and a total opposite of the lessons learned list)

Friday, December 17, 2010

fancy schmancy

So excited! I gotteded the gift today! the gift for that special someone who I love very very much!!! :) it's so amazing! and _______ and _____ and ________!!!!!! i don't want to give anything away in case he's reading any of this, but so excited!!! plus the _____ smells like ____ is is my ______..... well not really.... yea, i'm guessing none of this is making sense since it's just a bunch of blanks... but that's ok! just make up what goes in there and imagine! :) but it is awesome! and he can't know about it! :P

i have no idea why i named this fancy schmancy, but that's the first thing that came into my mind, besides so tired.... but that's what I named the wordpress one... because I am abnormally tired for a friday... i guess... plus it's barly even 9 yet, so there is no option for a nap! tomorrow... i don't know what i'm doing tomorrow, but I can't hang out with my boyfriend :( because my mommy has work! and my sisters already went to the mall today with my cousins... plus, i went out today and mi madres no le gusta when i go out a bunch of times in a week... so sad! :(

I want to make the masks!!! :) <--- not many people know what that means, but i'm not going to explain :P

Don't hate me.... LOVE ME! :)

tuxedo mask is my best friend! <---- i think i'll use that ending for my wordpress :)

Thursday, December 16, 2010


Hmm.... i think i might disclose the secret location of my secret shoping of secret things for a secret someone! maybe later... today was pretty boring... Took the last 2 finals!!! I have a 90.12 in spanish... it was SO close to a B! Plus chem, i gots a 100 on my test! woot! woot!! :) but the grade is still a B.... all i'm waiting for is one stupid class! if it's an A i'm on track for lettering next year! if it's less than that... i lost my chances :(

Oh well... i guess i'll always have later... i guess... not... 1/2 of sophomore year is almost over :( so sad!!!

Driving class... need to sign up.... i'm old... and everyone has a permit! not me though... I WANNA DRIVE! but i probably won't get the chance until the snow melts... i'm too scared to drive in the snow.....
ok... well bye bye everyone... really short today

don't hate me.... LOVE me!! :)

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

failing at life..... school sucks

You know what? I think this post will be the same as my other blog... because i don't feel like retyping a whole different thing.... because this.... this is quite depressing.... I'm a person, who wants good freaking grades! and when my teacher wants to give me a 89.37 as a pinal grade.... that saddens me..... SADDENS ME!!!@ SO MUCH! I HATE YOU! I HATE YOU SO MUCH!!! STUPID TEACHER!!! i might be going a little overboard right now.... but that was an important class..... that was a really really really important class... a class that i wanted to pass.... and i was 13 percents away from passing with an A.....

I fail at life... I fail at school... I'm just so so so so disappointed..... this sucks... so much... i don't really want to remember this stupid thing.... ERG!! THIS FREAKING CLASS IS GOING TO KEEP ME FROM LETTERING NEXT YEAR.... which was the only thing i wanted to do... i want to lay down and cry.... isn't that sad.... ugh! i can't do this anymore! I give up on this post! bye!

Don't hate me.... LOVE ME!! :( :( (sorry i made it the same... i said i wouldn't before... but that's before i got fed up with school
Boring... i am so bored right now.... I don't know what to write about either... I don't want to put in the same things as I did in my wordpress blog. If you read both, that would be a little boring wouldn't it? Havinvg things just be copied and pasted to each blog page?? reading the same thing over and over?? That would suck! Or, you would follow one and not the other... which would make me sad :( because then it's like i'm all alone on one and on another I have some people reading my blog... I talk in my blog as though i have people reading it.... which people probably aren't doing..... sad! :(

Have you noticed (there I go again... assuming that I have people reading when all i'm doing is talking to myself... :( seem to me that i'm a little creeper! or that i'm insane for talking to myself.... yea, i'm probably insane, but that's ok... I have NOTHING to do at all! you know what? i'm just going to go and talk about some of the things that i did already! I should do my story! I want to finsih chapter.... i want to say six... but i want to say that it's 16... even though I KNOW that i'm not that far along yet....

I'm a little hungry... scratch that.. i'm A LOTTA hungry... but i can't leave! I wish i can drive.... I don't even have my permit yet... I know, so sad... but i think there is a driver's awareness class (i think i'm supposed to take that one... i'm supposed to take the 4 hour one... whatever that is!) on january 5th... i hope my mom lets me take that one! because i'm 15 and a half on the 27th of december....

uh oh! I just gave away my age! number one thing to not do on the internet! oh well, i know not to talk to strangers.... well can't say that... because my boyfriend was a stranger when I started talking to him... and that one incident... with the other stranger..... yea.. looks like I haven't learned my lesson about stragners..... gotta stop talking to them!!

Oh well... ran out of things to write about.... I better stop befor this gets WAY too boring!! :)

Don't hate me.... LOVE ME! :) please?

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

school is very boring

School is very boring... very very boring... hi gabrielle! are you going to answer me? i guess not..... Hi sawyer! are YOU going to answer me?! i guess not... HI stephen! you're not going to answer me either are you? no? i guess not... Hi anybody!? no one is going to answer me? i guess not....

I want to eat my sammach!! (samwhich)..... stupid computer lab with nothing to do..... bleicky! <--- see what i did there?? bleh and icky?? smart! :)

Don't hate me... LOVE ME! :) please?

Monday, December 13, 2010

reactions.... still going on?

This is basically like the chicken or the egg theory. Actions and reactions are a never ending chain of events. We're still experiencing reactions from even the cavemen era. It's like the movie, the butterfly effect. If one tiny thing, like a butterfly, was killed in the past, the actions and reactions prior and after that will never be the same. The future could change significatly. There would be less butterflies because the mate of that butterfly wouldn't have mated. Then they wouldn't have their eggs. Which would lead to less caterpillars living and maturing into butterflies. Then the babies of those babies would have never been born.....

Also, if someone goes back and saves a person from dying, it could change a lot. If a girl was murdered when she was 14 and someone went back to save her, she would have a future. She would change more lives and cause more reactions. To me, reactions never ever end. All it takes is one action. The action that created the earth and humans....

Another example, the first human. However that was created, if that action never happened then we wouldn't be here. We are the reaction to that one action. We're still continuing this action... think about it. Everything in the future can possibly be traced to the cavemen era. But we would have to take into account that every single detail of a person's life would have to be documented. That way, everything will be traced. Every little touch, stare, accidental bump... all those can be traced. Scientists could study how people affect (if that is the right one... i think so, but idk) other people!

Gonna cut it short... My thinking is that everything is a reaction to that one action that happened at the beginning of EVERYTHING! not just the earth, but the universe!

Don't hate me... LOVE ME!

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Just saying

I now have a wordpress blog! Well... it's not actually new. It's older than this one... It's just that last year my teachers made me make a blog for school... at the end of the year they said they would give us out blogs and we can decide what to do with it... I haven't posted in it since last year, but that's only because I thought my teachers would monitor the blogs.. and they probably gave up by now :) which means i can use it! (well maybe that isn't the only reason... maybe i was just lazy, but i'll never tell the real reason! :P)

My book writing is going good, i'm writing my 6th chapter... but i never write it enough... i always write a little bit then leave it for weeks to months and then write some more... but i think it's going well.... maybe :)

Don't hate me... LOVE ME! :)

Thursday, December 9, 2010

No one ever know

No one can feel what another person is feeling, not completly. They can try to explain with words, but that's never enough. No one is magical. They may say they know how a person feels, but they DON'T. They don't and they never will because each perso is unique. They deal with things their own way. They go off on their own and just cry because that's the only thing they can do.

You know what sucks about that? No one knows. No one knows how they feel. No one knows everything, no one knows anything.

The only way to know is to feel, but that's impossible. There is no way of feeling, no way of knowing, no way of understanding. Everything is impossible, everything, but that doesn't mean you can't try <3

Thursday, December 2, 2010


I haven't been updating lately, but i don't have much to say. I've been spending my life on facebook and youtube... What a life right?? And i've been sleeping... since i stay up so late (12:39 currently while i'm typing this... i'll put a time at the end to show you how distracted i get). There is not much to do lately.

I've also been checking out random websites... I've revisited some that I left a long time ago. Some of those are,, formspring, stuff like that. I'm not really tired now, even though it's sort of late. I've been up later than this and woken up at the same time. I was seriously considering not going to intervention today because i was so tired. I always go to intervention... although that might stop once i get a car... (or maybe i'll wake up to surprise someone!)

I'm getting a little bored.... Finals is coming up! Not looking forward to that... but at least i get to come home early on thursday! Woot woot! :) I think i'll be done now... this really shouldn't have taken as long as it did... (i did a typing test that said i typed 40-50 words per minute... and since i don't have trouble coming up with things to say, this really should have only taken ___ i don't even know how long.. but i just started couting the words... I got to word 43 and decided to stop because that got really boring! I think i'll go now... bye :)

THe time is now 12:47! No, i did not forget.. by the way it's night time and i wake up at 5:45ish.... losing sleep here! I'll end this post, but i'll probably still be online for a little tiny bit more

Don't hate me.... LOVE ME!!! :)

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Turkey day! :)

It's turkey day for those of the United States and Canada (possibly!) I had so much fun today :) Spent it at 2 houses, but could have gone to a third if i went with my dad, but now it's time for a sleepover! One of the few rare times that some of my cousins are allowed to sleep over at my house! :) So much fun! And tomorrow will be black Friday!!! I hope i won't get trampled!

Day with the family was weird... i was again freakishly tall! >.< AGAIN!!!! And i was compared with one person... and i guy didn't even want to stand up because he was scared that he would be shorter than me... but i danced to so many songs!! And it was just amazing! :) I hope everyone else had a nice Thanksgiving :)

This was pretty sort, but i'm about to do another one on my book reader's blog... so see ya!

Don't hate me... LOVE ME!! :)

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Joy of reading outloud

You wanna know the joy of reading out loud? Well i'm going to tell you!

Well, first off i cannot say that all types of reading out louds are the same. THere are some situations that suck and some that are more bareable. It also depends on the person, but i'm just saying what i'm saying. I guess that can be it for my disclaimer note thingy. Feel free to skip over this part, but you probably didn't because it's AMAZING! <--- or you probably read it only because it had the word AMAZING in it twice. Yes, i was going to put once there, but then i realized i said it again!

The bad kind of reading out loud is when I have to read out loud to the class. I'm pretty sure that i project my voice pretty well... At least I feel that my voice is projected. Most of the time, I only read out loud in World studies. This class is two classrooms put together. Basically all the teachers do is take the wall in the middle down. Foldable walls?! What kind of invention is that?!?! Well believe it! THere are walls that fold. Whenever i read, I always worry about the fact that there might be students on the other side who cannot hear what i'm saying from my side. I mean, if it was only one classroom, I would be fine, but NO it had to be two classrooms put together! What kind of torture is that?!

Well another thing that can contribute to the badness of reading outloud is that I cannot read outloud. I tend to blend words together and then no one will be able to understand them. It's really quite annoying. I think that if i read slower, I would be more likely to get the words right, but i'm not the read slow kind of gal! I read at the pace i would normally read. THe pace that i use when reading in my mind. And boy, can i read fast in there! So, I stumble on the most simplist words, I also tend to repeat things over and over... So i end up sounding like a bumbling idiot!!

Plus, sometimes the words are very small! This does not help me keep my place in the story or piece of writing that i have to read. If teachers would like students to read outloud then why make the text so small that they cannot see straight! Have you had those? Those pieces of work that has really small print and you lose your place and end up switching lines and you read and then you reread the same line??? I've had that happen. It made me sound more like an idiot! I do not enjoy being an Idiot to the whole class! Believe me, I'm a smart person! :)

One good thing aobut reading outloud is that I can use funny voices. I only do this in the comfort f my own room or when i'm not at school. I would not want to use funny voices at school because i am such a quiet person. If i read with as much drama as i did at home, everyone would most likely be surprised! That's why i'm going to surprise everybody by auditioning for the school play my seniior year. I'm only going to if someone goes with me! And by someone i mean my friend!!! I'm making them do it! It's senior year, NO ONE can say anything then! And my cousins will have to suck it because they SUCK! (should not have said that... inappropriate, but so true!)

Another good thing about reading outloud is.... well i don't really have another thing that is good, at least not right now... That was the only thing that i could think of... WOW there are not many things that are good... If you think of any more feel free to tell me!

I had another post for this blog, but i don't think i ever finished it... Oh well, i'll see what i can do about it later, OK? but i can't promise anything... I may never ever finish it! I might as well forget about it now.....

Ok, I guess i'm done with this post... Time to go! I actually have a life... HAHAHAHAHAHA WHO AM I KIDDING??!?!?!?! I'm sitting here typing about the joys of reading out loud..... WHAT KIND OF LIFE IS THAT?!?!??! But i feel bad for some of the people that read my blog, they just wasted their time on something so irrelevant to anything else... just random thoughts.. and from a GIRL no less... THAT"S RIGHT! Girls can think! They know more things that make a sandwich! (which i'm told i fail at.... so i'm not a very good girl... oh well!) BY! <3

Don't hate me... LOVE me!!!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Grown-ups =destruction

Well, after reading Maximum Ride by James Patterson, I discovered that his point is pretty true. His point was... or rather Fang's and the Flock's point... was the that grow-ups ruin everything, especially the ones in the book.

First off, the grown-ups came up with they By-Half plan... This plan was to basically kill off half of the planet so that the wars, pollutions, and disease would stop. Only the strong and healthy people would live. Fang told people to start finding things that would make them useful, or else they are dead... VAMOS! BAM! ALAKAZAM! Dead as a door nail.... <---- never actually got that expression.... Someone explain? yes?

Well grown-ups do equal destruction, especially the scientific kind! We've all heard of the evil scientists out there who mutate DNA, test on animals, stuff like that... BTW how can they live with that?!?! Killing innocent people and animals. THey can say it's for the benefit of the people but i don't think so! WHat kind of benefits are there to killing another person!?!?!?! (well..... i guess it would be one less mouth to feed... but STILL not moral!) Why would adults want to kill other people?! or preform experiments on them?! THat's NOT ok!!!! Not in my mind... it may be ok in Sawyer's or some psycomaniac's mind, but NO WAY IS IT IN MINE!

Also, grown-ups have different priorities. They want to make things faster..... that's why they invented machines the take over people's jobs... THEY DON"T CARE that it's taking jobs away from hardworking americans! or other ians! They also care about money... They make other countries do their work (if you already can't tell... I'm talking about america the most) to other countries, like china, because it's cheaper there.... BUT THEY DON"T UNDERSTAND that they are causing children to work in sewat shops just so that they can have more money! What kind of logic is that? Killing people and making innocent children work (while they could be playing and going to school) is good? I THINK NOT!!! How would AMerica feel if we were china, that our children would have to work in sweat shops! That our leader didn't get an education because he was working in a sweatshop all day durring childhood?! America wouldn't be too happy would it?!?!?!?! (or there would be a dictator ruling our country because no one would have a mind to think and stop it!)

Also, Grown-ups are not smart. Stupid grown-ups causing global warming and don't know how to think! Companies are spending money to avoid being sued for causing more pollution, but NO! they cannot use that money to give people free lightbulbs? THe energysaving ones?!?! Or use the money to pay scientists... not the evil kinds, the enviornmental kind, that would develop more energy saving things. America should make laws that lightbulbs should be the energysaving ones (too lazy to put space between energysaving plus, i cannot spell the energy saving ones... so i'm putting energysaving ones instead). America can also make an energy saving week! That no one will have any power for a week, besides the natural sunlight! Maybe this should be in the summer, where the days are longest. THat would help! The factories wouldn't have to use more fossil fuels.

I don't want to write about this anymore... THere is so much more that I can say, but i'm not going to say it.... I'm going to play a game that Alan is playing! :)

Who made global warming happen?: GROWN-UPS
So therefore?: GROWN-UPS KILLS!!!!!!!

Don't hate me... LOVE ME!!!!

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Forever Night by you're truely! :) ME!!!!

This is the prologue to my book! :) I'm so proud that i'm continuing this book, unlike my other ones... The other ones only made it to like 3 pages at the most, with probably three chapters. This one is at 16 pages!!!!!! <---- AMAZING! and 6 chapters :) I don't know, the idea sort of came to me when i was sitting at the library last year. I was thinking of SOS (Some One Special in case you didn't know) and then i just thought of the prologue. This is NO WAY related to my life.I only have one guy in my life :) I also came up with the title when i was writing one of my poems. I named it forever night and i thought that was the perfect title for my book!!! well... i think i prolonged this enough so here it is!

My heart beats rapidly as night started to take over. I turned around and there he was. I had no idea what to say. My mind was a complete blank. I can’t believe that it chose this moment to malfunction. James looked much more handsome than I last saw him. His hair had lightened due to the sun. He was beginning to tan and it looked good. It looked really really good.
I can’t believe that I am about to do this. My dream was coming true, but am I beginning to have doubts? I’ll have to leave everyone I love. Can I truly leave my long time boyfriend, Michael, for James? I have to admit that I felt a connection with James, but I have been with Michael for almost all of middle school and part of high school.
“Are you ready?” James asked in a very deep voice. It was deeper than usual. Was he sensing that I had doubts? This was no time to think about this now. I love James. I am ready to do this.
“Yes, I am ready,” I replied trying to hide my doubts. I stepped closer to him and stared into his eyes. I hope that he can tell that I’m ready. I am.
“Are you sure you want to do this? You will be giving up everyone you love. You will be giving up your friends, family, and even Michael,” James said. Did I detect a hint of jealousy when he said Michael’s name. I’m pretty sure that it was. That thought made me smile. I caught myself before it showed.
“Yes, I am ready. I love you James. Michael is the past and this is the present. You are my true love and I want to be with you forever,” as soon as I said that, I realized that it was true. I really do love James and I’m ready to give up my life for him. James walked closer. He pulled me into an embrace.
I was ready for this. There was no more time for doubts. James moved my brown hair aside so that he could have easier access to my neck. As James came closer I was struck with a sense of fear. I tried to push down my natural instincts. I need to distract myself so that James can finish. I wanted to join him. I needed to join him. It was my destiny.
I tried to distract myself. I tried to remember when we first meet, how this all started on that one day. The first day.

It looks so short on this post, but i promise! it's 1 whole page on microsoft word! (not double spaced and 12 point Times new roman font!)

Here is the poem that inspired the lovely title!!!!! Title of the poem is also Forever Nigh

There is nothing
Pure emptiness
Pure silent
No movement

Just darkness
Darkness everywhere
A trap

Once the sun shined here
When you were with me
But you’re gone...
And you took away the sun
And left me in darkness
In a state of

Don't hate me... LOVE me!! :)

Friday, October 1, 2010


It's time for another question!!!!!!!
Today's question is:

What is love? Have you ever thought of this question? I have before I found the person that I love. I used to wonder what it would feel like to be in love. Nothing that I thought before is the same now that i actually love someone. Well.... i can't say that it's not the same.... because it basically is... but i've gone into so much more depth.
I used to think that love was just an emotion that i wouldn't be able to feel... at least not until i was a lot older. I thought that love was an emotion that builds up, an emotion that people come to feel after a long time of being with a person. This has all changed. I guess the meaning of love changes for everyone once they actually experience it.
Love.... I sigh when i think about this because it reminds me of the most wonderfulest person in the world. If you read my other posts then you would know who this person is.... but if you don't his name is alan! He's the person that i am in love with. The person that i want to spend the rest of my life with. The person i want to marry and grow old with.

So.... onward with the question! Love isn't what people feel.... it's something that can been seen, touched, and everything else. When you are in love nothing else matters but the other person. They are all you can thing about. Almost every single thing reminds you of them and you can't help smiling when you get a sudden thought about your love.
When your with him you feel complete. You feel ABSOLUTLY whole. You're more aware of what he does. How he does it. Whatever! He makes you feel like your flying in the sky. When he's staring at your eyes it makes you feel giddy. It's like you two are the only people in the world. No one else exsists... No one else is important enough for you attention... only HIM.... or HER. Only you two matter. Nothing else. NOTHING ELSE at all.
And when he's not with you, you feel empty. Without him you feel sad. You miss him so much that it hurt... and i don't mean the "hurt" hurt... but the actual physical pain that happens in your heart. A pain that you can feel. You just want to be with your love every single milisecond of every single day.... but sometimes you can't and you miss them like crazy.
Love is something that is just overpowing..... Love is.... everywhere.... but it's intensified by 1000X when your with your special someone. He is truely special. He does little things that you don't notice. I bet i do little things in return, but i don't notice it myself. But these things are what contribute to love. It's nice knowing that someone cares, that someone really wants to spend the rest of their lives connected to you with a bond. That bond would mean anything and everything to me. EVERYTHING! It would mean that i get to spend the rest of my life with the man i love. I don't want any other person. I have him... that's all that matters.
If the earth was put into peril and we were the only people left on earth i would enjoy every single milisecond of it because he is there with me. Even if i see all the death and distruction i know he will be there to comfort me and help me cope. Two people who are in love are always there for each other. They encourage each other and help each other through hard times. They support each other.
There is also nothing that can get in the way of their love. Not even seperation. Nothing at all can get in the way. I do mean nothing. (possibly not even death... i hope not! the book series kissed by an angel is a perfect example... but i do not like the ending)
Love also involves trust. I trust alan with everything. I know he won't let me down.... and even if he did i would forgive him and trust him to not make the same msitake twice. Love is trusting the other person with your heart and soul. I trust that alan would not break my heart without a good reason. I trust that he will tell me the truth no matter how much it hurts me. I trust him to give honest opinions and to never drop me. (i ran out of word.. maybe i'm too tired... i'll update again later :P)

There is so much more i want to say... but i can't put it into words. The feeling of love cannot be described completely.... i love you alan!! :)

Don't hate me.... LOVE me!!! <----- but my love will always belong to alan!

Saturday, September 11, 2010

R.I.P jenpoo! :'(

AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! One of my favorite websites clsosed due to unmentionable reasons!!!!!!!! what could that possibly mean?!?! Why did they have to close! I tried to go on it yesterday and when i read the message i almost cried!! R.I.P. Jenpoo!!! All korean music lovers will miss you so dearly!!!! Does anyone know any other websites that are exactly like jenpoo? I don't mean the kabooma. com (i think.... idk how to spell it) or the either. Nothig wil be like jenpoo unless they ake a new website that's somewhat simular! I want to know! I'll die without that website!!! NO!!!!!!!!!! *tear* poor jenpoo! it only lasted from 2009-2010!

Don't hate me... LOVE me!!!!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

better to love?

Is it better to love and to lose it than to never have loved at all? I don't think that statement is completly true. There is a lot and i do mean A LOT of heartbreak that comes with losing love. Once you found it you don't ever want to let it go. Sometime this loss can be horrible! it might make the person wish that the person never have loved at all. Is love really worth all that pain if you lose it? I don't know.... feeling loved is a great and wonderful feeling, but pain is also an agonizing feeling that can leave you with a broken/ hole in your heart.
It pains me just to see the person i love with all my heart being sad... I don't know what i would do if i lost him.... but i hope that never happens (just thinking about it has me teary already) But i think i would rather not love than to love and lose it... I think i would always want the same love that i experienced with that one special person... and if he left then i can't have that again. knowing that... it might be better to never have loved at all... The pain of losing love lasts forever....

eh i'm going to cut it short.... i started this at like 7.... and i kinda got distracted by FB <--- we all do! so don't blame me! ;)

Don't hate me.... LOVE me! <--- but not the kind that hurts when i'm gone ;)

Monday, August 30, 2010

Random School Writing

OH! I'm back again in the same month! (barly... barely?) As i "speak" or if u must be technical type i am in class.... well not anymore, but while i was in class i wrote it on paper and now i'm transfering it to type. I wrote this during my fifth and sixth hour because this was more fun than history notes. (who loves them? not me!!) Writing is the only way that i can stay awake!
Ugh! Everytime i look at the clock... only a few minutes go by! (Everyone knows what i mean right? It's absoulute torture to be in a boring history class surrounded by people I hate..... and the one person that i want to see can't visit me because i have class!!! grrr!!!) Now my teacher is talking about love... he's making fun of the girl sitting next to me!! WOW that was the first interesting thing to happen since the beginning of school (aug. 19)
What he said is very interesting.... i think i'll talk about that in another entry. (so watch out for that one!) Haha now the subject is a kitty cat! such randomness in history class today! It's a funny story....... AHHHHH!!! HE WANTS TO FLUSH HIS DAUGHTER"S TURTLE DOWN THE TOILET!!!! Such a strange class(I know). but most of the time it's soooooo boring especially english! (I hope they never ever find my blog! that would be horrible! they will hate me and fail me! >.<) Oh i'm just getting many ideas for future "philosophical" blog entries! but class is almost over so this will be the end... THE END!!!

Don't Hate Me..... LOVE me!!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

wow! continued!

What a surprise to see me again! :P New goal for the school year!! I just came up with it... hence the new post right after the other one i did today! Well.... not right after! I started typing it right after! but it probably won't be posted until later one... since i'm getting distracted by the tv and texting my wonderfully amazing boyfriend! while watching America's next to model! I happen to like that show! and no i don't plan on being a model! it just happens to be very entertaining! (like the bad girls club miami! it's interesting... except all the cussing)

Well.... onto the surprise!! I'm going to try and blog more.... even though that didn't work when i started this blog... but i am doing better than alan! :P So exciting! although i doubt it... since i'm in school and what not.... which is super hard! I have been super stressed! (and it's only the SIXTH day of school!) and with no intervention i might add! So i don't get to see my amazing BT NHI!!! I miss her! :( And intervention is fun! School doesn't start until 8! (but i still wake up early just to go to the library and see nhi!!)

My tummy hurts for some odd reason.... i think it's time to end this post!

Don't hate me... LOVE me! :)


Wow! Haven't posted in a while! Summer wasa amazing.... but not it's back to school.... but let's not talk about that right now (even though it's the 6th day of school!! >.<) As i said, summer is absolutly and completly amazing! and you want to guess who made it that? Some on special! that's who :P Actually many special people... but mostly one special person.... and as for my summer goals..... a big failure!! I never did learn the single ladies dance, but i made up for that! Honestly i did! I learned another dance! (even though it took a lot of days... and i sorta gave up then continued! with STILL counts as learning it :P)

I also completed my summer reading program! But i got kinda lazy... i didn't read more than 50 books this year >.< (last year was more than 100!) but that's probabaly due to the fact that i talk to someone special!! but enough about that (for now ;)) As i said i finished.... but only 1/2 of it... I wanted to finish the extended version too! but i only got 4 out of the 10 slots filled and i didn't feel like reading anymore... even though i got a few books (i'm going to save them for school ;)

As for my last goal.... exercising more NEVER works for me.... Sure i did a lot of walking but i don't think that counts. I also did tennis a couple of times.... and by a couple i mean one... only one! And i remember once i ran a mile on the treadmill, did 25 sit ups, 100 jumping jacks, and 3 push ups (Because i'm weak!) After that.... nothing! I didn't even go swimming that often! >.<

That's all for now ;)

Don't hate me.... LOVE me :)

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Summer is here.... not really

School ended on the 27th and it is now the 30th. It still doesn't feel like the summer... I'm typing a lot of errors, but you don't know because i am erasing them :P hmm... Summer is a time for fun. I like fun.... (she's got both hands in her pocket, and she won't look at you. She hides true love.... U can probably guess what song i'm listening too.... If not it's Alejandro by Lady Gaga) I'm bored and hyper. I don't want to be a judge to my sister's cooking contest.. They are using play doh.. which gives me a very big headache!

Ok.. back to summer. I have some goals.. not really but i do have a few that i do each year. I get to do the reading program... Reading during the summer is entertaining... I am NOT a nerd for doing it! My sisters just gave me an ORANGE POPSICLE!!! I love popsicles... I usually finish the main program sometime in June.. Then i get to save my extra hours for winning gift cards! I hope i win this year! I didn't win last year :(

Another goal... (and my friend made this for me)is to learn the single ladies dance by the end of the summmer. I attempted this before and... it was a big fail. A miracle actally happened!!! NHI ACTUALLY AGRRED TO DOING IT TOO!!! This is going to be so much fun! I really hope that we accomplish this goal.... but at the same time i don't because my friend will make a video of it... It's going to be interesting...

This next goal probably won't get accomplished.... It's to get more exercise and not get so dark. I usually get really really dark over the summer... This probably isn't very good for my skin. I hope that i don't spend as much time in the sun... (I just crushed peanuts!! That was fun!) Exercising will also be very hard... I usually do not exercise, or not from my own free will... The only exercise i get is swimming(or walking around in the water), occasionally riding my bike to stores, and walks around my neighborhood... One of these activities always has me tired... and i end up eating more, which doesn't help at all.

Those aren't very interesting smmer goals... maybe i'll come up with other ones :) I hope this summer is an amazing one! Can't u tell that during this post i took a lot of breaks? Well u might not be able to tell, but i did! It took forever to finish :P

Don't hate me... LOVE me!! :)

Saturday, May 22, 2010


Finals has me really really really stressed out! Today was especially tiring. I did a bunch of bio and other things... To be honest, I have a horrible bio teacher. She teaches us NOTHING! All she did was give us worksheet that we had to memorize. That isn't going to help us now. Then she gave us a review sheet. I don't remember any of it! I hate finals!!! At least tomorrow I will be able to see the person I love :) Then more review monday and tuesday. Then FINALS!!! I can't afford to get below a B on anything!!! Let's hope i don't fail! I'm crossing my fingers.. but only on one hand! (i heard that if you cross both then one hand will cancel out the other and that wouldn't be good) Why put finals on the last days anyway? No one will be able to focus... then everyone will fail!! Let's hope that my theory works... If everyone failed finals we should get a retake with easier questions.... or better yet let's say that we all pass with an A!!! Psh! what am i taking about... that will only happen in my dreams.... :( :( :( Ta Ta for now!

FINALS SUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! A LOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Don't hate me... Love me!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

hearts for the people i love :)

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I love you all!!! Especially one amazing Koala named Alan :)
It took FOREVER! to type!

Don't Hate me! Love me!

Sunday, May 16, 2010

lalalalalalala :)

hmmmm.... I haven't done just a random post in a while, so i will do one now. Maybe this one should be about ninja's since my blog is called NINJA INCORPORATED!!! Ninjas are amazingly awesome. They can do the impossible!! ok... that's enough of ninjas... what else can i say?
I wonder if my house has an attic... i don't want to find out because attics are very very creepy. I want to know because there is a door thingy on the ceiling outside of my room. I have never opened it.... i'm not even sure that it opens... which is a little strange since i have been living in my house since the third grade...
This also brings me to the fact that i haven't been anywhere!!! My mommy says that if i get a 4.0 gpa throughout high school then i could go on a trip anywhere i want.... i already ruined that first semester :( I hope they will still take me to Vietnam. I want to meet everyone!!!
Speaking of that... i am a really shy person... I guess i wasn't very loud when i was a child. Either that or i got put into many awkward situations when meeting people. hmmmm.... I think that i like being shy. It's better than being loud. I prefer the quiet to actual loudness... that's why i like the library so much. THe library is an amazing place! I love it there.
This post was really really random... I like random, but at the same time i like logic.... another thing i really really really like is ALAN... wait... i don't just like him... I love him very very very much... and i really really miss him. I wish i lived closer to him so that we can see each other everyday. This next part is just for ALAN!
(I love you alan! You are one of the best things that every happened to me. If i never meet you then i would be very very sad. YOU + Me = Happiness!!! You make me so happy! Whenever i'm talking to you there is nothing that can make me sad or unhappy. You have my heart! I love you! I love you! I love you!!!!!!!!!!!!)

Don't hate me.. Love me!!!

Friday, May 14, 2010


Alan, Alan, Alan, Alan, Alan, Alan, Alan, Alan, Alan... He is all i think about every single day. I love him so much! (even though he thinks he loves me more :P i know that i do! SHHHHHH!!!! keep this a secret! SUPER SECRET SWEAR!!!) One of my first thoughts when i wake up are of Alan. I love him (sorry Hashi). I love all the things that he says to me. He can cheer me up whenever i am grumpy or mad at people. He can always make me smile. When I am talking to him my heart always melts and I'm super happy. Each one of his texts make me smile... which might look a little strange to my teachers and peers.... but i don't care! Alan makes me extreamly happy!
Whenever he talks to me it feels like i'm floating on a cloud! Nothing can bring me down! I love seeing him in person. Whenever i do, I always end up loving him a whole lot more. I want to be in his arms forever. I feel very very safe there. He is my prince and so far he has protected me from everything. Alan is very caring and compassionate. I love the fact that he actually cares about me. I will love him forever! I don't ever want to leave him. He is mine! I love calling him my boyfriend. I love saying his name. I love him! There are not enough words in the world to decribe how i feel about him. He... ahhh!! i'm running out of words and i'm not done describing!!! hmmmm... Alan is the bestest person out there. His personality is a very rare treasure and i'm glad that i found it.
I will never let him go :) I love him too much! I want him to be mine forever. I want to be his princess. I want him to protect me. I love him so much! I want him to hold me and never let go! I want to spend every day with him. I love you Alan!! and i will forever and ever! My heart is yours!!! just like in my poem! I LOVE YOU!!!!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

I love my boyfriend!

I'm sorry that this is a little late... but this one will be about my day on saturday, May eighth. It was a very very very very very good day... hence my title: I love my boyfriend. Alan is the bestest. He's sweet and nice. He is also very very considerate. On saturday we had a date :) It was a very _____ date (i don't even have a word to describe how awesome it was :) I love Alan very very much :) He's everything i asked for and more!
Well.... getting back to Saturday.... We spent the time at the mall. I figured out that there isn't much to do at the mall when you don't want to shop.. but me and Alan found things to do :) First, I came with gabrielle. We came early and saw Daneille getting lunch. I decide to just stand there until she saw me.... She kept glancing in our direction, but she didn't really notice us... Then FINALLY she notices Gabrielle and I standing there. Then gabrielle got icecream for lunch :) We talked about many things. Danielle wanted Starbucks so we went and i decided to meet Alan in front of Starbucks.
We didn't know what to do at first so i decided to follow Danielle and Gabrielle. They went to Forever 21 to look for a mother's day present :) I asked Alan if he wanted to go in there... He said that he didn't mind. If i was a guy, i wouldn't want to go in there... But Alan is a very nice guy... did i mention that he was sweet and considerate? (i think i did... but i will mention it again if u forgot!) I decided to end his torture and exit the store... but then we faced the problem of finding something else to do. Alan suggested we go to Hallmark (i want to call it walmart for some reason!) I think it's because he wanted to walk with me :) or at least that was my theory. We went to back and forth and back and forth and back and forth... but i don't mind. I love walking with him :) We stopped at a lot of directories :) Alan wanted me to close my eyes and pick a place, but i think he just wanted to hold my hand :) He could have asked instead of making it so complicated!
We decided to go on a walk outside. It wasn't that cold outside... but there was a slight breeze... We walked along a path that lead us to the parking lot and we walked back... I can't make a decision to save my life! Decisions are just too hard to make. I feel bad more making Alan make all the decisions :( We stopped in front of the waterfall without water (a fall for short... or maybe rocks... or mountain.) I wasn't very cold, but Alan made me take his jacket. I didn't want to take it because then he would be cold :( In the end i ended up taking it. After that Alan hugged me for a while. I like his hugs. They make me feel very very safe and secure. I want to be in his arms forever! I can't believe that he is mine! :) Gabrielle stopped our hugging though :( Danielle was supposed to leave soon so we went to find them. Alan was very quiet with Danielle.... She thinks that he was intimidated.
After danielle left, we went to Macy's. Gabrielle made us leave her for 30 minutes. We went dress shopping :) Alan isn't very good at picking dresses, but which guys are? I don't think it's an absoulute skill to have. I found three dresses. Gabrielle forced me to show Alan. I liked the green and white one the best. The back was very very pretty and so was the pattern. Alan chose a white sparkly one. I didn't think that he would chose that one. After my turn, it was Alan's turn. I looked for the tie. It was a nice pattern :) He also got a very pretty dark blueish shirt. Normally i don't like blues that are really dark, but this one looked nice on him. While he was trying it on i was obseving the other people. One family knew how to speak canto. I don't think that they knew i could understand so they said a lot of things. It was funny! Gabrielle and Janielle came... I couldn't continue with my plan. I was going to hug Alan when he came out :( but when he actually came out i loved what he was wearing. He looked so handsome in his pretty blue shirt :) I love him a lot!
Then we went back outside. (this will be quick! I need to finish homework!) We sat outside on a bench. Alan hugged me again. I never wanted that moment to end. When he was hugging me i could feel his heart beating :) I was very very very very very happy :)

Don't hate me... Love me :)

P.S. I love you Alan! Way more than you love me :P

Thursday, April 29, 2010

I love PIE!!

First off, this post has nothing to do with pie. I named this after my homework assignment, which doesn't have anything to do with pie either. Today was super fun... excluding school! It was Freshman movie night!! It was amazingly fun!! Ok... well it started out with my teacher calling me to stay after class... I thought that i was in trouble.. duh duh duhhhhh!!! But i wasn't :) It was about my pizza watch!! My math teacher gave me 100 dollars!! It was for the ten pizzas though. While me and gabrielle walked to the main office we ran into Jamie and Sarah. We all went to the main office and i was starting to get hyper! Then Donovan joined us! We waited for the pizza. When it came it was really really warm :)
Then we walked to the commons and ate. That was when i got extreamly, out of control hyper. I was jumping around and running up to people. It was fun! Gabrielle, Jamie, and I were all arguing about her spying. I said she was hiding in a hole! She and Jamie called it a ditch. Then Aaron came up and i had to tell him the whole story. I enjoyed telling him because we haven't talked since grade school. It was so fun! Then he agreed with me. He called gabrielle strange because she hid in a DITCH!!!! Aaron is a funny guy. Then i told Danielle about Alan and wednesday. That got me super hyper. I want a hug again! And then it went to a VOLLEYBALL GAME!!! But not literally... It was like that... We talked about Panda, Aaron's problems, Jamie's problems, Danielle's problems and a lot more. Each person talked about different things and it was kinda confusnf to keep up with them.
I was getting confused and hyper. I kept poking people and screaming! It was fantastic. Donovan was confused too becuase we used out secret codenames... Since we were talking about my special Alan, I had to explain to him... He thought it was strange that gabrielle hid in a ditch too... Then we played ping pong!! By this time i was out of control! I actually suggested running around the school so that i could calm down... No one wanted too... so i had to settle for playing ping pong! I played against Hannah and i was hitting like a madwoman!! It was fantastic... except that hannah had to get the ping pong ball every time i hitted it out... Then we played four player. I was Donovan's partner... he hit the ball!!! It was fun!!!
After a lot more ping pong we watched the movie... This part gets interesting... Aaron was still with us. I wanted to sit next to him and he did. It was funny because he knew most of the lines of the movie. Then it started!!! Throughout the whole movie i was using my phone light to blind people. I was also trying to get my phone charm to glow by shaking it violently. Then i kept distracting the people... I asked Donnie if he thought that i was strange and he DIDN"T answer... We all know that means yes. Gabrielle also called me strange :P They were being big meanie heads!!! Then Aaron called me strange!!!! ERG!!!
I guess i was being a little strange. After the movie I was still very hyper!!! I kept jumping around and poking people. Alan would have laughed at me if he was there... I'm pretty sure that he would be freaked... It was amazingly fun!!! I know that i used that word a lot, but i don't care! I Loved today!!! It would be even more amazing with Alan though...

Don't hate me... LOVE me!!!! :)

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Grass War!!

Today was really fun. I went to get Alan from staples. Gabrielle went with me... but after i found him, she decided to leave me. She and Jamie went somewhere else. I was wondering where they were going... maybe to eat. After that Alan and I went to the park. It was really windy!! It wasn't that windy before, but the weather was still nice. The sun was shining and the wind was kind of cooling. It was a nice day for a walk. I took Alan to the park and made him make decisions :)
We decided to sit in the middle of a huge field. It was fun! There was a guy painting the grass. I thought that he was going to run over us :( that would be horrible. We watched the clouds. My imagination wasn't working so i didn't see many of the things he saw, but i did see somethings. Then we started a grass war!! It was easier for me since the wind was blowing in his direction :)
After a while he pointed out that my friends came back.... but not really. They were in hiding!! I had no idea how they snuck by me since i was watching the only way that they could have came. It really had me puzzled. We were watching them... eventually Jamie noticed this and they decided to run away! It was an interesting thing to watch.
After we watched them leave I started Part 2 in out grass war. I was winning! the wind was on my side :) It was fun. Alan is a nice person :) I like him a lot! Then we looked gor Gabrielle and Jamie. They ran away again, but i was sort of glad they did. It was getting less windy so we decided to play tennis... not a lot of tennis playing got done. It was sunny and i didn't feel like running or hitting :( It was entertaining though... We saw gabrielle and Jamie again... This time they were dancing... i think that Gabrielle was trying to teach Jamie how to dance to Hot and Cold... The dance lookeed farmiliar. They were entertaining to watch :)
Then Gabrielle was being a very big meanie! She pretended that she didn't know me. Jamie wasn't jamie... apparently she was Pointy... What kind of name is pointy? I decided to leave them to their games... Maybe they were still trying to be spies... They are pretty good spies though.... they snuck past me. I was glad they weren't with us. I was enjoying my time with Alan. :)
Since i didn't want to play tennis we went back to sitting. Here comes grass war PART three!!! I was still winning, although Alan almost caught up. I kept stealing his grass :) but he was making it too easy :P

Today was very very fun! Alan is the bestest Koala in the world!! I am happy that he is with me :)
Don't hate me.. LOVE me :)

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

strange phone calls

This is a really random post. Earlier today i got a call during school. It was during a class, so i didn't answer it. I thought it must have been important since it was during school... It was not. I hate it when i get calls from out of nowhere and then it is about useless things. How did they even get my number??? I get at least one every few days. They get so annoying. Then one that i got today talked about how my license is expired for my car. I don't even have a car!!! I have gotten this same message many times over the last year! Each time it says that i have a limited time to renew whatever i'm supposed to renew. What kind of person calls over and over with the same message!! IT is very very annoying!! UGH!!!! People should just stop calling random people with stupid information!! It is useless! if they are going to advertise then advertise on tv, not my phone!!

Don't hate me! Love me :)

Wednesday, April 21, 2010


Why does nothing ever happen!?!?!?! I'm am almost bored to tears :( but at least i am talking to koala :) he's a happy person :) hmmm... I had an interesting time drawing pokemon!!! I tried to draw Vulpix... that didn't work out. Then i tried Eevee... that didn't work out very well either :( Pokemon are very hard to draw... I finally drew a koala!! It was a very cute koala!!! hmmmm...what else happened? I gots a codename!! It makes me feel special :) Thank you for the name KOALA!!! what else....hmmmmm.... i'll think of more later :P

It is now later and i still can't think of anything!!!

I <3 My code name :)

Sunday, April 18, 2010

shhHhhhhh!!! it's a secret!!

hmmm... the shhhhhhh is ruined with all the exclaimation marks right? I think so.... can you really scream shhhhh... let's try. hmmm. it's not working.. i can't scream shh as loud as i can scream... does that mean that shhhh~!!!!!! doesn't really exist?? no one will never know...
Well... anyway... someone has a secret and he won't tell me what it is!! That is very very frustrating!! and his hints don't help at all.... the hints are yesterday, happy, and dragon!! What kind of hints are those??? Not very good ones.. :( well i guess that i might be able to guess... Gabrielle says that she knows what it might be... but i don't believe her... Oh well... i will figure it out eventually!!!

I forgot to say..... i found out the secret!!! ;)

Don't hate me... LOVE me :)

Friday, April 16, 2010

Today was... interesting

HMMM!!! today there was no school!!! It was so exciting!!! I love having no school!! It's like wonderous day added to our weekends... i was very excited!! Today i watched The Last Song with people. It was a sad movie... i cried. :( Before that it was really fun! My friends and i went into forever 21 and tried on dresses. My friend picked out a dress that was..ok so i tried it on... the second time was better. This time it was a pretty purple color. I liked that dress... the only problem was that it was too short.. i could not bend over :(
Then we went to JC penny's and tried on more things... I love how girls go to stores, try on things, and never get anything... but the people are wrong!!! We did get something. We got great pictures and memories!!! it was fun... the i said before was sad. Very Very sad...i don't want to give anything away...but maybe i will... then again maybe not... :P Apparently the book was way better than the movie... but that was to be expected. I didn't read the book cuz i don't like to read books that after they have been made into movies.
Alan got lost... :P he was on the other side of the theater. After the movie it was a little strange and awkward!! hmmm i'm trying to remember what happened........thinking....still thinking.......hmmmm. Oh! I remember that we were standing in a circle, in front of the door... doing stuff....hmmm... oh yes! I rememebr being very confused about what my friends were talking about. Alan was standing there... I bet her was confused too!! I get confused easily!! HMM.. After that steph had to leave. Then we all went outside and stood. Gabrielle was the descision maker so she had to make those important decisions. We decided to find jamie a dress.. DRESS SHOPPING IS FUN!!! We went to Macy's. Alan agreed with it... That was also awkward. I didn't want to suject him to our dress shopping so we decided to leave.
Then we stood some more. And someone besides gabrielle made a decision!! (it wasnt me!!) We went to Aero. That was interesting... Apparently i sprayed gabrielle with cologne... even though the bottle was on the girl's side and it was pink.. It didn't make sense. I thought that it would smell flowery or fruity... but to my surprise it smelt like COLOGNE!!! Gabrielle wasn't very happy... Then we went to Tilly's. I felt intimidated in there. I noticed that they have a lot of black and purple... I learned that Gabrielle was color blind(not really) and all she could see was yellow!!!
Then we helped alan pick out a present....(he got RAINBOW socks... who can hate those? no one!!!) Then we went to Pacsun... That was boring! Then we went back to Forever. I bet Alan felt wierd there cuz it was full of girl stuff!! :) then he left :( he missed watching girls try on stuff... but the sales people probably wouldn't let him into the dressing rooms.... so it was a good thing he left :) Then we tried on stuff. Gabrielle actually got something!!! It was brown :) The we went to the Rocky Mountain Choclate Factory so that i could get some choclate coins for my sister. Then we sat outside. It was pretty cold :( we talked about girl stuff. I'm sure you wouldn't want to know... then i went home... After that the awesomness was over....

All i did was sit, walk up and down stairs, and a bunch of other mindless things... I don't even remember a lot of them... Oh well!! MY day was awesome until i got home :(
DOn't hate me... Love me!!!

Sunday, April 11, 2010


Don't you guys hate it when people want to change becuase of what other people said. They should never change because i like the person that they are currently. A is one of the nicest guys that I know and he is thinking about becoming someone else. I hate it when good people become jerks.... :( I believe becoming a jerk is the worst thing that can happen to people. It's horrible to think about becuase you compare the person you knew. If he does change permanenty then I will probably hate him for it. I know that i hate one of my ex-friends now because they became very mean people and i don't want to see that happen to another person. It's extreamly painful for the other friends to deal with. I never want to be friends with a jerk!! They just treat other people badly. They do things that the good them wouldn't do. Please don't change.

You should never let another person tell you what to do. You should never let one person change who you are. I know that people's words can get to you sometimes but everyone just has to ignore it. I will always ignore what other people say because i am true to myself and i would never change for the worst. I will always change for the better :)

Don't hate me.. LOVE me!!! :( :(

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Serious Part 2

Ok i cam up with another question!

Question: What is innocence?
My friends say that i am pretty innocent, but what does that mean exactly? I think that innocence is someone who is not tainted. They would never have any bad intentions or hurt anyone. Basically they are just too nice(like me)! They don't like to swear(I hate swearing:P) and they know nothing about the real world. They have been sheltered their whole life. This would also mean that they are very quiet since they have never learned to speak up about stuff. They know what is right and what is wrong. There is a difference between what you think is right and what others do. The innocent one will always think of other people. They just like to give back to everyone.

The bad thing is that NO body is really completely innocent. They have all been tainted somehow. The world really needs more innocent people. They would actually think about stuff, unlike other people who just act off of instict. If all humans acted on instict then there would be a lot of fighting and the world would be savage. Humans and all other organisms were made to fight and compete for things like food, shelter, and the right to mate.

I believe that our insticts are what make us jealous of people. If humans acted out of instinct swe would be in caos 24/7. Who would want that? I know that i wouldn't. That is why i use my brain. i don't let my body do anything that would harm another... although i sometimes want to. There is no way to stop instict, but we can all help the world if we just think everything through and let our brain work for once!! People shouldn't let their body control them! Let your brain make the desicions!!!

don't hate me... LOVE ME!!!

friends and Acquaintances

Here is the poem that i taked about before. I wrote it last year. I wrote it when i was watching Narnia one night. It was inspired by Aslan the lion. I really like this poem!!!

Friends are the ones who would stand by your side
And die
For you

Acquaintances are people who
Are like dew
That slip away

Friends are forever
And clever
To help in your time of need

Acquaintances don’t last
You cast
Them aside


I'm going to run out of sounds to do for my titles(got any suggestions)!!! Today was extreamly boring!!! although i did draw a few pandas and a bunny :P (some people will know the secret meaning to this!!) I don't like bunnies anymore.. but one of my friends are obsessed with pandas. I am very confused about bunnies. I am pretty sure that i don't like them. I don't even know thier personality anymore.... but it is kinda hard to get over something that lasted since the fourth grade!!(WOW i've liked bunnies for a long time.) I wish that i could get to know them more but that will never happen since i am super shy!!

I talked to an old friend of mine yesterday. It was good to reconnect with someone that i haven't seen since fifth grade. He goes to Northglenn now. A lot of my old friends go there. I miss Blongshia!! She was my best friend in fifth grade... but she wasn't the person i was talking to yestereday. I talked to her cousin. WHo was also my friend!! I miss all of them!!! But there is still one person that i want to talk too, but i can;t get the nerve to do it!

I wonder why people change. I know that people do change and grow up. I hate it when people change for the worst though. I used to have a friend that liked the same things i did. She was one of my best friends for most of elementary and middle school. One day she just changed. She started hanging out with the popular people and ditching me! I hated it! I missed the real her. She and I don't speak anymore. We don't even say hi in the halls. I missed being her friend. But maybe it was for the better. If she is a snob now it is good to know.

Now i have even awesomer friends! I hope that they will stay for the rest of my life. My friends are amazing!! They can always make me smile and i love being a therapist for them. We had the most amazing time last night. We took turns solving each others problems. We also talked about our dreams. Who loves talking for hours with their friends? i know that i do! This reminds me of another one of my poems that i wrote before. I think that it really sums up some of my emotions about friends and aquantances (bad spelling i know!) This poem will be in it's own post :)
I hope that everyone can have such good friends as me at the moment! I LOVE U GUYS!!!(u know who i am talkin about!)

ERG!!! I hated today. It was the most boringest (I KNOW THAT BORINGEST ISN"T A WORD for all you people who want to correct me)day ever. All i did was get out of bed and sat in my room. I wish that i could have enjoyed the weather more. Just like yesterday i am supposed to be doing homework right now! Homework is just not fun!

Apparently i wrote an awesome poem! but i don't think so. I hate rhyming poems so i think that the poem i wrote was childish and immature! I also did a stupid brouchure for class! I am not liking my teachers very mucj right now!! At least tomorrow will be a better day... or i hope that it will. Hmmmm. Maybe i should only post when i am hyper! They seem much more exciting than these boring ones! :)

Here is the poem:
Lies are without a name
There is no prominent way to see
What the nature of lies may be
Lies claim all the fame

What happened to truth?
And the things that it include
Why listen to the things that McCarthy spewed?
The things that would destroy our youth

Hysteria spread over the town
The people all hid
From the lies that slipped and slid
And brought the minds down

Who could be a spy?
Your neighbor Stan?
Or your wife Cheyenne?
Is it you, you, or I?

Accusations were made
People were tried
But some were on the right side
While others tried to fade

In the end there was widespread panic
Hysteria controlled all the minds
Girls and boys, people of all kinds
From the Pacific to the Atlantic
Madness was in the air

Tell me what you think?
Don't hate me... LOVE me!!!!

Friday, April 9, 2010


Don't you just love the word PPSSSTTT!!! Today was an interesting day. It was really warm but i didn't get to enjoy the nice weather. I have so much homework!!!! I hate my teachers so much!!! (i hope they don't read this :) There is nothing to do!!!! Don't some of you know guys with more shoes than you? At least girls have variety. Why have many different kinds of shoes?? but of course i am not one to judge because i have a bunch too. I am allowed to aren't i? After all i am a girl :P I'm thinking of getting a haircut!! My hair is getting super long!! I got a haircut in 7th grade. I cut off like TEN inches. I am never doing that again!! I love my long hair!!! I just wish that it was layered! (they got cut off when i got my hair cut)
School sucked today!! IT's a friday and i got a bunch of homework!! I won't be able to enjoy the sun at all :( At least my mommy and grandma is comming back from Vietnam!!! They have been gone for a month!! I miss eating!! Isn't it good that i am not doing my load og homework!!!

I am also being a therapist. I may have a future career in therapy..... maybe... FUN!!!! So hyper... but aren't i always? Such a random person! I will never be tired!!! RAWWWRRR!!!!!!! TA TA for now!!

Don't hate me!! LOVE ME!!! :)

Thursday, April 8, 2010


Ok... if you have read my other posts you will know that i typed a lot of random things. That was during my sense of hyperness. This post will be a serious one!! I will answer different questions about stuff!!

1)What is the purpose of life?
The purpose of life is to just live. I am a very strong believer in reincarnation. To me this is the theory that everyone has lived another life. They get born and reborn over and over again. Now this goes with my purpose of life theory. With this... i would say that earth was made as a place for those "recycled souls" to live and accomplish things.... Since they can't while floating in time. Life gives the souls something to look forward to. They get to live and accomplish and set new goals. Every life can be different :)

HYPERAWARENESS - the awareness

I am extreamly hyper right now! ERG!!!!!!! I miss my comunity service at the library!!!! so sad.. at least i filled in all the requirements. I made the lady sign 13 slips of paper. I just looked at it today and realized that she missed one. this is good for me becuase then i get to go back to the library. My sisters are watching Vampire Diaries. I don't get the point of making a tv show out of a book. The book is so much better... even though i haven't read it yet. They keep talking about it and i am so confused because i don't really pay attention even though i am in teh same room. I focuse on better things.

New subject!!!! Let's talk about code names. IT"S TIME TO MAKE U CONFUSED!!!! unless you know what i am talking about....

Pandas and bunnies and everything are fun!!
People like pandas. I liked bunnies.... but not anymore. Bunny just makes me very confused!!! What is wrong with them?? They never talk to me anymore. We used to be good friends in fifth grade... then it just dissappeared. hmmmmmm. I don;t think that i like bunnies anymore but you could never know!!! Bunny might pop up one day. I'm pretty sure that i don't like bunnies.... but since the fourth grade.... that's a long time. It will take a long time to stop liking bunnies :( HMMMMM!!!! PIGGY!!! PSTTTTTT!!!

U must think that i am crazy, but i am not. There is a point to this!!!! U r just not cool enough to know it!!!

don't hate me!!! Love me!!!

My book list of 2009

This is the list from before... I'm warning you that this can get really really long!!!!

fangs for freaks- serena robar
jinx- meg cabot
suck it up- brian meehl
braced to bite-serena robar
vampire kisses- ellen schreiber
kissing coffins- ellen schreiber
vampireville- ellen schreiber
dateing for deamons- serena robar
city of bones- cassandra clare
blue bloods- melissa de la cruz
city of ashes- Cassandra CLare
masquerade- melissa de la cruz
ghoast girl- tonya hurley
The diamond secret- suzanne weyn
unwind- neal shusterman
revelations-melissa de la cruz
royal blood- ellen schreiber
the coffin club- ellen schreiber
vampire academy- rachelle mead
A non-blonde cheerleader- kierran scott
A non-blonde cheerleader in love- Kierran Scott
the Burmeudez triangle- kierran scott
The year of secret assignments- Jaclyn moriarty
Sucks to be me- Kinberly Pauley
The night dance- Suzanne Weyn
The crimson thread- Suzanne Weyn
21 proms- David Levithan
frostbite- richelle mesad
shadowkissed- richelle mead
city of glass- cassandra clare
geek magnet- kierran scott
switch- carol snow (one of the worst books i have ever read!!)
lucky- Rachel vail
evernight- claudia grey
blood and chocolate- annette curtis klaus marked- P.C. cast
night world one- P.C. Cast
cinderella 2000- mavis Jakes
girl barly 15 flirting for england- sue limb
1000 reasons never to kiss a boy- Martha freeman
the wereling, wounded- steven cole
prom- Laurie Halse Anderson
stargazer- claudia grey
betrayed- p.c. cast
chosen- p.c. cast
untamed- P.C. Cast
hunted- P.C. Cast
the wereling prey- Steven cole
the wereling resurection- steven cole
a stir of bones- Nina Kiriki Hoffman
Lovely bones- alice sebold
need- carrie Jones
The van allen Legacy- Melissa de la cruz
13 little blue envelopes- maureen johnson
boys that bite- mari mancusi
stake that- mari mansusi
naughts and crosses- malorie blacknam
dark visions- L.J. Smith
vamped- Lucienne Diver
Evermore- Alyson Noel
The treasure map of boys- E. Lockhart
bite me- melissa francis
golden- Jennifer Lynn Barnes
wake- lisa mcmann
fate- jennifer lynn barnes
you, maybe- rachel vail
blood promise- richelle mead
fade- lisa Mcmann
revealers- Amanda marrone
Wiked lovely- melissa mar
academy 7- anne osterland
bitten and smitten- michelle rowan
deadly little secret- laurie faria stolarz
jessica's guide to dating on the dark side- Beth Fantaskey
wings- aprilynne pike
the chosen one- carol lynch willians
stakes and stilettos- michelle rowan
tithe- holly black
shadowland- alyson noel
deadly little lies- laurie faria stolarz

I....Am....Iron.....never mind

I am a first-rate reader!! This just means that I like to read… a lot!! To me books are doorways to other worlds. They are amazing. Sometimes I get sucked into a book. Other times it’s like I am the main character. Books are extremely exciting!!! If you don’t like to read you don’t know what you are missing! GO CHECK OUT A BOOK AND READ!!!! If you don’t have a book to read then check out my later post!!!

I’ve got to warn you that most of the books I read are for girls… Don’t mock my choice of reading. Some of them I just read because I didn’t have a better book!!! Don’t hate me… LOVE ME :)

being a ninja

I am a ninja... hear me roar!!!... oh wait you can't because i am a ninja and i am sneaky :) !!!! Can you believe that my life as a ninja started with a panda picture and a post that said I was a future therapist?? Well you better believe it because it is true!!!! Now I belong to the group Ninja Incorperated(hence my blog name) with my cousin/father named Luke. Luke is a little wierd! Do not ask me how this is possible(it in my fake family tree). Luke's grandmother and my mother(both the same person... all thanks to my fake family tree) is not allowed. She is too much of an old person to be allowed!! Also she lied to me for all my life. Apparently that is how i got into the ninjaing buisness :) ! Our enemie is the clumsy ninja ALAN!!! He has two points against me, but I have 200 points against him!! He will never prevail!!!! OK.... don't take anything i say seriously because i am amazingly hyper right now.... My ninja family is awesome!! Alan will never be as powerful as Ninja Incorperated!!!!! We are the world's best ninjas!!! Alan can be fifth best if he wants, but he will never be number 1!!! That is my position!!!! No one will be able to challenge me!! My life rocks....after school!!!!!!!