Monday, August 30, 2010

Random School Writing

OH! I'm back again in the same month! (barly... barely?) As i "speak" or if u must be technical type i am in class.... well not anymore, but while i was in class i wrote it on paper and now i'm transfering it to type. I wrote this during my fifth and sixth hour because this was more fun than history notes. (who loves them? not me!!) Writing is the only way that i can stay awake!
Ugh! Everytime i look at the clock... only a few minutes go by! (Everyone knows what i mean right? It's absoulute torture to be in a boring history class surrounded by people I hate..... and the one person that i want to see can't visit me because i have class!!! grrr!!!) Now my teacher is talking about love... he's making fun of the girl sitting next to me!! WOW that was the first interesting thing to happen since the beginning of school (aug. 19)
What he said is very interesting.... i think i'll talk about that in another entry. (so watch out for that one!) Haha now the subject is a kitty cat! such randomness in history class today! It's a funny story....... AHHHHH!!! HE WANTS TO FLUSH HIS DAUGHTER"S TURTLE DOWN THE TOILET!!!! Such a strange class(I know). but most of the time it's soooooo boring especially english! (I hope they never ever find my blog! that would be horrible! they will hate me and fail me! >.<) Oh i'm just getting many ideas for future "philosophical" blog entries! but class is almost over so this will be the end... THE END!!!

Don't Hate Me..... LOVE me!!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

wow! continued!

What a surprise to see me again! :P New goal for the school year!! I just came up with it... hence the new post right after the other one i did today! Well.... not right after! I started typing it right after! but it probably won't be posted until later one... since i'm getting distracted by the tv and texting my wonderfully amazing boyfriend! while watching America's next to model! I happen to like that show! and no i don't plan on being a model! it just happens to be very entertaining! (like the bad girls club miami! it's interesting... except all the cussing)

Well.... onto the surprise!! I'm going to try and blog more.... even though that didn't work when i started this blog... but i am doing better than alan! :P So exciting! although i doubt it... since i'm in school and what not.... which is super hard! I have been super stressed! (and it's only the SIXTH day of school!) and with no intervention i might add! So i don't get to see my amazing BT NHI!!! I miss her! :( And intervention is fun! School doesn't start until 8! (but i still wake up early just to go to the library and see nhi!!)

My tummy hurts for some odd reason.... i think it's time to end this post!

Don't hate me... LOVE me! :)


Wow! Haven't posted in a while! Summer wasa amazing.... but not it's back to school.... but let's not talk about that right now (even though it's the 6th day of school!! >.<) As i said, summer is absolutly and completly amazing! and you want to guess who made it that? Some on special! that's who :P Actually many special people... but mostly one special person.... and as for my summer goals..... a big failure!! I never did learn the single ladies dance, but i made up for that! Honestly i did! I learned another dance! (even though it took a lot of days... and i sorta gave up then continued! with STILL counts as learning it :P)

I also completed my summer reading program! But i got kinda lazy... i didn't read more than 50 books this year >.< (last year was more than 100!) but that's probabaly due to the fact that i talk to someone special!! but enough about that (for now ;)) As i said i finished.... but only 1/2 of it... I wanted to finish the extended version too! but i only got 4 out of the 10 slots filled and i didn't feel like reading anymore... even though i got a few books (i'm going to save them for school ;)

As for my last goal.... exercising more NEVER works for me.... Sure i did a lot of walking but i don't think that counts. I also did tennis a couple of times.... and by a couple i mean one... only one! And i remember once i ran a mile on the treadmill, did 25 sit ups, 100 jumping jacks, and 3 push ups (Because i'm weak!) After that.... nothing! I didn't even go swimming that often! >.<

That's all for now ;)

Don't hate me.... LOVE me :)