Wednesday, September 21, 2011


Yes, now i'm talking about players. Not the athletic kind of players, (although i may delve into the subject of football players) but the kind of players who play with a girl's heart. I vowed never to fall for a football player. I can't stand how they act and behave. Plus, i'm a really shy person, i wouldn't fit in with his crowd. Thank goodness i did not fall for a football player (although i can't say the same about my friend *shudder* what a mistake that was!). Too bad it was a tennis player that got me. That stole my heart, probably played with it, fed it lies that it believed, and smashed it into a million pieces. Anyway, players really bother me. Those guys (a girl player is a slut right?) that has a girlfriend, and yet they go around hugging other girls. They go around talking to other girls behind the girlfriend's back. I'm not saying that if a guy has a girlfriend, they don't get to have any other girl friends. I'm saying that if the guy is interacting with different girls, he should at least tell his girlfriend. I knew that my ex had a bunch of girls as his friends. I was fine with that, i totally was. But he should tell me if some girl (from like 5th grade) all of the sudden contacts him. That's something i should have known. If he told me, we could have avoided one fight.

An example? Ok, so in my class last year, there was a guy who had a girlfriend. A girlfriend that he liked a lot (i'm not going to say loved because i, personally, don't think that players can truly love a girl (Probably true for my ex) to the extent that she should be loved) and every single day, he would walk into class and hug 3 different girls. It's also obvious that he likes this other girl, who sits near him (I have to watch their freaking interactions (since i was like in the middle) and it was so sickening). Like really, he talks to her everyday. He asks why she doesn't answer the phone when he called her. It made me feel bad for the girlfriend. I hope she knew about this other girl.

Maybe it's just my opinion on people. It's sort of a stereotype for football players. But it's like the freaking truth. They're mostly jerks. BIG FAT JERKS. They're mostly players too. Seriously, major players. Like my friend dated a football player. He was a complete jerk, especially at the end. It was probably the worst mistake ever made. But now she's happy. I'm so glad that her new (ish since it's almost been a year for them) is so much better than the football player. ERG, football players (and players in general) annoy me so much. I know there are a few exceptions. Players can love too, but i'm talking in general here. Guys are jerks, i'm just going to put it as that.

AHHHH!!!!! I'm getting behind! I wasn't able to write any new posts today or yesterday! Need to get crackin on that.....

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